World Series of BBQ Canceled

A heartbreaking announcement for barbecue lovers across the Great Plains.

The American Royal will not host this year’s World Series of Barbecue because it could not find a way to make the event safe during the pandemic.

Glen Alan Phillips, president and CEO of the American Royal Association, said it was painful to cancel the barbecue contest for the first time since it began, The Kansas City Star reported.

The barbecue, which draws competitors from more than 30 states and several countries, was scheduled for September 17-20 at the Kansas Speedway in Kansas City, Kansas.

“It gets really challenging to have a large public component to your event, which then leads to major financial revenue issues with not being able to sell tickets,” Phillips said.

According to American Royal’s website, The World Series of Barbecue is the largest barbecue contest in the world.  This signature Kansas City event includes public events and activities, including incredible live music, delicious BBQ and local food, a full line up of kids activities, and a vendor fair authentic to Kansas City and BBQ enthusiasts.

All registered 2020 teams will be given a full refund. Teams will receive an email detailing the process.

The next World Series of Barbecue is tentatively scheduled for Sept. 16-19, 2021.

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