Easy Venison Burgers

Easy Venison Burgers

We had the privilege to cook up some venison burgers for National Guard members in Wisconsin over the weekend. We'd like to thank all of the partners that helped put this on and did the heavy lifting:
Hunter Nation
Concerned Veterans for America Foundation
Roc Ventures
Veterans Business Outreach Center of Wisconsin
Thank you all for what you do to support military and veterans across this country!


Venison Burgers


1 1⁄2 lbs lean ground venison (preferably from a doe)

1⁄2 cup egg substitute

3 tablespoons First Strike Fish & Wild Game Seasoning

3 tablespoons Sticky Fire Spicy Marinade

1⁄4 teaspoon salt

1⁄4 teaspoon black pepper

1 teaspoon dry mustard

2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce



In bowl, mix dry ingredients.

Add venison and mix well.

Add liquid ingredients and mix well with a fork

On plastic wrap, form into 8 (4 ounce) patties, making them round and very flat-- like a fast-food burger.

Preheat grill to very hot

Cook burgers until they are slightly charred on one side (about 3-4 minutes) and then turn and cook until the other side is slightly charred and burgers are medium-well.


Do not overcook.

Turn burner off and leave burgers in the pan while you put condiments on your hamburger bun.


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